Building investment solutions to bridge access for Capital Entrepreneurs.

High bootstrapping costs of $150k+ and cash flow challenges make raising the first fund a long uphill battle, especially for underrepresented fund managers.

Issue 01

Bootstrapping for Capital Entrepreneurs

LPs want to invest in emerging, underrepresented fund managers, but overlook smaller, newer opportunities due to capacity, criteria, or portfolio constraints.

Issue 02

Underwriting Capital Entrepreneurs by LPs

Our Solutions

We aim to increase diversity in asset management by mobilizing capital to underrepresented investment decision makers. We do this by reducing barriers to entry for new GPs and supporting LPs to invest in the next generation of top-tier funds.

Our Solutions

We aim to increase diversity in asset management by mobilizing capital to underrepresented investment decision makers. We do this by reducing barriers to entry for new GPs and supporting LPs to invest in the next generation of top-tier funds.

GP Runway Fund

Flexible working capital loans to bridge the financing gap for underrepresented GPs.

Due Diligence

Institutional-quality due diligence reports on Capital Entrepreneurs.

Investment Consulting

Partnering with asset allocators to back Capital Entrepreneurs.

GP Runway Fund

Get in touch.

Due Diligence / Investment Consulting

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